Please contact your insurance provider for a complete list of your "in network" and "out of network" benefits. Make sure to inquire about your deductible as well. Every patient's insurance plan is different, therefore it is your responsibility to understand your provider's plan. NLM will not have the details of your policy. Please be aware that lab companies do their own billing.
First Office Visit up to 60 min
Return Office Visit up to 30 min
We also offer Time of Service rates for patients who don't use insurance and those with State Medicare Plans as a primary insurance. Please call/email for pricing!
Please arrive 15 minutes before your first appointment to fill out paperwork and provide the front desk staff with a copy of your insurance card and ID.
First Choice
United Health
PIP (Motor Vehicle Accident)
Triwest for acupuncture
In Network insurances accepted at NLM:
NLM does not accept State Insurance plans
(No State Medicaid or Medicare)
Please note if State Medicare is your primary NLM cannot bill your secondary first
Missed Appointments, Appointment Cancellations and Late Arrivals:
If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call to let us know at your earliest convenience. If we do not answer the phone, please leave a detailed message and we will return your call as soon as possible. Note that appointments cancelled within less than 24 business hours (yes, even Monday appointments. calls on Saturday or Sunday are not buisness hours) will incur a fee equal to half the cost of the visit. Missed appointments ("No Shows") will also incur a fee equal to half the cost of the visit. If you are more than 10 minutes late to an appointment, this will be considered a "No Show/Late Cancel" and incur a fee. There is often a wait list for each practitioner as well as urgent appointment "add ons" throughout the day so if you cannot attend your appointment, we need to know as soon as possible.
NLM gladly offers text reminders as a courtesy before appointments, however it is the patient's responsibility to remember their appointments. If the text does not go through or you do not receive one and miss your appointment, it will be considered a no-show and incur a fee. We offer reminder cards as well so please feel free to ask for one at your next appointment!